The Introductory Business Law exam covers material that is usually taught in an introductory one-semester college course in the subject. A major emphasis of the exam tests the student’s understanding of the functions of contracts in American business law.
The student should be able to define fundamental legal terminology, identify and explain required elements of torts, contracts, etc. and understand the legal and ethical issues that arise in business decisions and the laws that apply to them.
The exam contains approximately 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. The College Board provides the parameters for the exam which we have listed below.
Questions on the exam are fairly evenly divided among the topics where the student will demonstrate their abilities.
The subject matter of the exam is drawn from the following specific topics.
Each college sets their own credit-granting policies for the exam, so check with your college admissions office, test center, or academic adviser before taking the test.