SpeedyPrep Money Back GuaranteeSpeedyPrep Test Prep Refund Policy

SpeedyPrep is proud to offer a 100% pass rate guarantee. Our materials are comprehensive and current. Our study methodology works, and when subscribers complete their SpeedyPrep courses, they have a 95% pass rate.

Our guarantee applies when a subscriber has filled their progress bar to a minimum of 90%. After successfully studying and completing any of our preparatory courses, you will qualify for our SpeedyPrep money-back promise. If you earn 90% or more on your progress bar but fail your CLEP™ or DSST™ exam, we will refund up to three months of your already used subscription fees.

Refunds are given to subscribers who:

  • reached 90% or more on their progress bar,
  • are 16 years or older, and
  • have taken their CLEP™ or DSST™ within 30 days of their last SpeedyPrep sign-in and have failed the exam.

Refunds will not be given for:

  • Subscriber dissatisfaction with the service.
  • Unused months of any subscription type. (Includes monthly, quarterly and yearly.)
  • Pro-rated or partial months for unused service.
  • Subscribers who are under 16 years of age.
  • Subscriptions that have more than one user. (Subscriptions are meant for one person’s use only.)

Requesting a Refund from SpeedyPrep

Refunds for a failed CLEP™ or DSST™ exam apply to months already used, not to months remaining on a subscription.

  1. Complete one of our guaranteed CLEP™ or DSST™ prep courses. Study until your course progress reaches 90%.
  2. Take the CLEP™ or DSST™ exam that directly correlates with (i.e. has the same name as) the SpeedyPrep CLEP™ or DSST™ prep course you completed.
  3. Fail your CLEP™ or DSST™ exam.
  4. Mail, fax, or email a copy of your CLEP™ or DSST™ failing score printout to SpeedyPrep within 30 days of the failed exam. Please include your name and email address. Contact information can be found here.


Is it really hassle-free?

We’re glad you asked! Our guaranteed CLEP™ & DSST™ prep courses work really well, so most of the time our students simply pass their tests and send us fan mail. On the rare occasion that our courses don’t prepare a student successfully, we refund their money (almost) faster than they can ask for it. Here’s feedback from a few customers who asked for (and received) refunds:

“Thank you very much for your attention. I very much appreciate it.” – Nicholas

“Thank you so much!” – Derek

“Thanks for your assistance. I hope she’ll be starting up again shortly.” – Carol

“Thank you for the awesome customer service. That is something your company excels at.” – Kasandra