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7 Benefits of Study Groups

Study Group

7 Benefits of Study Groups

When learning in college, many students enjoy the benefits of study groups. In a well-run study group, members accelerate their learning as they talk through their subject, quiz each other and compare notes. 

Read on to learn advantages of group study. 

1. Procrastination Solution

Because study groups meet at regular times, attending students cannot procrastinate.

If alone, a student might postpone studying until the night before class or may put off learning even longer. When in a study group, however, students must be present at a specific time, and they must be prepared to contribute to the study session. You’ll stay on top of your subject throughout the semester—a real plus when exam times roll around.

If you struggle with procrastination, and many of us do, a study group might just be the solution for you!

2. Learn Faster

Working together, students in study groups can generally learn faster than students working alone.

For instance, some part of the textbook that seems completely confusing to you could be quite clear to another student. In a study group, you can learn quickly by simply asking a question, instead of spending valuable time puzzling over the difficulty alone.

In addition, you can help your fellow students when they have difficulties understanding something that you do understand.

3. Get New Perspectives

If you study by yourself, you will always see your material from the same perspective—yours.

While this may not be a problem, getting fresh perspectives on a topic can help you learn it more thoroughly.  As you listen and ask questions, you will soon start noticing a variety of different viewpoints on the same idea.

This will force you to think more about your position and will, therefore, develop your critical thinking skills while helping you study.

4. Learn New Study Skills

As you learn new perspectives about your subject, you can also find new study techniques to learn it!

Students develop their own study methods over their years in school. While yours may work excellently, you can still find ways to improve your learning abilities and sharpen your mind.

By joining a study group, you will have the opportunity to observe a wide variety of study methods in action. After considering the pros and cons, you can improve your own study regimen by incorporating the best methods with your own.

In addition, you can help other study members improve by sharing your favorite study tricks.

5. Break the Monotony & Get a Boost

Studying by yourself, especially for long periods of time, can become a monotonous activity—especially if you find the subject matter tedious. By joining a study group, you can break this monotony and make learning more enjoyable.

When you feel like there is just so much to learn and it all seems overwhelming, a study group session can be a real boost as members support each other. 

The auditory factor of group study, talking and listening, can help auditory learners and students who dislike the silence of studying alone.

6. Fill In Learning Gaps

Study groups provide an excellent opportunity to fill in gaps in your understanding.

By comparing notes with other students, everyone can check the accuracy of their own. They can fix errors, and fill in the details they may have missed. 

Members also share tips about how they take notes which everyone can try out.

7. Practice for the “Real World”

Working with your peers in a study group gives you an excellent opportunity to hone your people skills.

If you come across a difficult situation in your study group, you can use it to practice your collaboration abilities.  If everyone stays focused on the goal of learning, getting sidetracked by socializing or disagreements that arise will be kept to a minimum. This is an excellent practice for when you’ve finished school and are out in the workplace where you will find yourself in similar group dynamics.


Before you go and join a study group, remember that all groups are not created equally. Choose a group that spends its time studying and not just socializing. 

Are you taking an online course and you don’t physically meet for class? A study group option may still be available to you. Check if there is an online study group, often on Facebook, for your course. 

SpeedyPrep Perks

  • The group mentality if what I think makes it most effective. If you know that someone is relying on you, then you will do what you have to to get the job done.

  • The group perspective is what makes it work. Some folks just need that motivation. I don’t think though that it works for everyone.

  • My experience with study groups has been that of a room full of 8 guys distracting each other with Duke Nukem soundboards. That said, study groups can be very effective as long as everyone in the group is truly focused and not there just for the social atmosphere.

    I also definitely agree with your point on getting new perspectives. That, to me, is the main benefit of a study group. Also, groups help you catch up on things you missed in class.

  • A concise argument for becoming a member of an effective study group.

    Any study groups using a blog site to share info? Have any used “VoiceThread” as a sharing mechanism? Any recording their discussions to share with members that can’t attend a session (mp3)?


  • Group studies can really help students to be at their top form. It stimulates interest and increases confidence. Also effective group studies also improve classroom management strategies and helps in norturing sharing and learning collective efforts at the same time.Nice post!

  • Group study – a convincing way of learning. By group studying you can learn and can exchange the thoughts with other members. As per me – this is the newest study process where you can share your knowledge with other – by this way not only you can gather new things but also you can justify your knowledge. Thanks for sharing such a nice article with the readers. This will help the students a lot – I have tweeted this topic to my followers. Keep it up. 🙂

  • Reading this article really gave me another perspective on group studying. I have always loved study groups. I even would us this in my work environment, when we have meetings.

  • I would love to reference this in my Essay? Anyone know who Wrote it? and in What Year?

  • We often feel smart and may not feel how smart we are as a collective. I am here to tell you this is when I took my leave at the last opportunity to complete my academic career. We have common goals and aspirations, we are selfish however when in an academic setting we are open with a Flexible-Mind set we are up for bigger and better tasks. It took time in a wheelchair for me to reflect my relationship to others was critical for me. Yes.we are better,I mean me and my “Ego”,Ergo we will be all-right now!

  • It is most important to have access to a study group for p and personal relationships. I will have to work on this development more, myself.

  • I’ve never been in a study group since high school but I know I definitely need one now.

  • I have worked with study groups and I do find it a pleasure. The pleasure when you have some ground rules. No cross-talking. give the person the floor when speaking or asking a question. You may address people by their name or names to honor and respect of our group. Cell phones should be on vibrate or silent. Give a time to begin and a time to complete. We can ask for more time from the group or certain ones can stay after for more study. You may ask are there any we need to add?

  • I have not had any experience with any study groups yet in my life?!? probably sounds weird but when I was in high school my boyfriend was already graduated so I always studied at home. Not really studying with “him” but yet studying with him. hope that makes as much sense to you as it does to me.
    I do, however like social settings so I am sure I’m gonna be great at it!!

  • I have not joined a study group yet,cause am I’ve just started taking my classes on my degree course in computer science.None the less am yet to sort out serious people and we could probably start a study group.The benefits are innevitable

  • Starting a Study Group is a Great Idea. I wonder how to do this as being an online student? This will be an interesting process.

  • I really appreciated these 7 points. In point of view it facilities the learning process of many.

  • Dear Christine: You can join the SpeedyPrep Study Group on Facebook to communicate with other subscribers.

  • if noone has there who does not want to study in ur frnds
    then what i should do there
    alone stdy or with frnds

  • If you can’t find a group to study with, studying by yourself is always a great option.

  • I just joined the study group today because I find it difficult to study alone ( I waste more time on a chapter while I still have to cover some subjects ). I’ve never had a study group before even in high school days. I was a lone wolf. I was an average learner who always pass a subject but still lacking on other chapter. I don’t want to be average anymore. This ain’t high school anymore so the study group is the only option, if you can’t find one, create one. Thank you all for posting an inspiring post.

  • I have never joined a study group even in community college. After reading this I am taking it into consideration. Lots of good reasons to do so.

  • I’ve never really been particularly social in the sense of study groups and I can admit it sounds both daunting and enterprising. So I am willing to work with a group of class mates to gain a better understanding of the material. Bring it on i am up for this… and look forward to working with you.

  • I never studied in a group in high school.But,I think this is an excellent idea.It’s a chance to hear others views on the same subject.And to help others understand the concept,if they are falling behind.I would always hope that if I was falling behind that I could get into one of the study groups to help me excel in my studies.I love this idea!

  • Study groups are very effective and help out when learning many subjects. This article does a good job explaining the importance of study groups and what benefits each person can get from being in them.

  • I have never been in a study group before but reading all the pro’s I may reconsider and fine myself a group.

  • Most definitely a positive way to study. I especially agree on getting a different point of view. I will give it a try.

  • I appreciate so much coz actually I didn’t enjoy group work but now I think its the best way to learn

  • Yes, I have joined study groups. What it helped me with the most, is new ideas, and new understanding. When others give their perspectives it helps me to understand someone else point of view.

  • I’m not fond of study groups for subjects where I’m confused. Seems counterintuitive yet I wind up helping everyone else.

    Studying around other people is different. I can study and can ask a question or have others ask questions.

    someone wanted to have a study group with me. Yet, he said he had cheated on homework with another student. That other student admitted they had split the homework up and shared the parts they did.

    I don’t want to study with someone who is cheating like that as I have trouble saying “no” even when I know it’s wrong. I’d rather not study with that person at all. I feel creeped out.

  • Suzie: Your story actually helps expand ideas to consider about study groups. If you are helping others when you meet, like you describe, you’re serving as a good group member. Congrats!

    Your story about working with students that cheated illustrates how a strong study group with enough members can help. A large enough group will act with them to put down their cheating and will insist that everyone does their own work. Splitting up tasks within the group helps to carry the load, but groups members should do their own assignments. Good rules for the group, that everyone agrees to, and are enforced go a long way to having a healthy study group structure.

    Elise, SpeedyPrep

  • Great article. I haven’t joined a study group yet, but I will, I feel that study groups will definitely help any student.

  • I agree with Suzie on the negative side for study groups:

    You aren’t for certain that each group member will be serious about studying. People tend to want to do other things. If in a large group, more people could pull the other studiers away from their task.

    Also, studiers could turn the actual studying period into socialization time if not monitored right. Distractions could easily occur.

    Based upon the cheating in study groups, you don’t know if you are helping out someone or giving them answers. Though it may seem like they are contributing they could just be using you for the work.

    Not long ago one of my friends asked if I wanted to study with him for a chemistry test by filling out our study guide due the next day. I agreed, and I figured out he looked off the majority of my answers. He looked to be doing his own work but I guess that’s not what happened. Though there are good tips and ideas to prevent this, everything isn’t going to work every time.

    Despite all this though, the helpful information given is beneficial to struggling students. I am doing a language arts project on “Why study groups are beneficial to students” and it helped out a lot. Now I know things off this topic from a different perspective.


  • I believe once i get further in school i will use this!! But thank you for now

  • Haven’t used yet, all of the positive feed back, however, I will be checking it out this week! Haven’t been to school in decades, I’m sure things have progressed!
    Thank you!

  • I enjoyed the comments from others noted below regarding the “Seven Benefits of Study Groups”
    Noted with affirmation:
    1. Group mentality – showing up for the team! (that’s what I used to tell my kids in sports, and they still “show up” as adults!! Yay Me!
    2. Motivation – I NEED it!!! I did not have a cheerleader in school, although I am one!
    3. Stimulates interest and motivation
    4. I LOVE other people’s viewpoints and perspective, we know life is boring without it, and so teachable/learnable if you’re open to it!
    5. I can waste time, alone, sometimes hard to jumpstart me! When I’m in, I’m ALL in though!

  • I know that study groups really do help. As with everything else, we get out of it what we put in it. We must be willing to listen and learn from each other. Another things about study groups we must also participate. I have had study groups that helped and I have had study groups that didn’t help. Most of the time, I found if I really got involved and really focused and studied on the topic, it helped. The times it didn’t help was when I really didn’t want to be there. I didn’t listen or get involve with the group. I would like to be in a good study group.

  • I believe that this will help me understand a lot of ideas so when I’m in need of help in my studies like now, contact one of the other students Understanding the different studies I need to study for is exactly what I need when I need help with the work I’m working on today.

  • This article gives a lot of knowledge as to why study groups help with learning new information and meeting new people. I love the fact that I can share and read my peers thoughts and opinions on different subjects.

  • As I read the article, it has me a lot of knowledge. It will help me with my future course. It’s very helpful and motivation to get things done.

  • This is an amazing piece of article. I will help me through everything. It gives me lots of knowledge.

  • I like the idea of the study group because I’m an oral learner I need the help making sure I heard it right and got everything in one session

  • Great way to hear more perspectives! I will definitely learn something in every study group.

  • These are great tips, and very helpful. Especially if you were a procrastinator like I was. Study groups actually help you memorize things, more helpful if you have a test coming up. I advise everybody to participate in a study group if possible.

  • Great tips. Very helpful! Study groups help you in many ways, from learning things you are stuck on, easy ways to memorize things, so many helpful tips.

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