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Education—The Gift that Keeps On Giving

Education—The Gift that Keeps On Giving

It’s the season of gift-giving. Do you want a gift that lasts—both for yourself and those you love? Consider giving the gift of education. It’s the gift that will last a lifetime.

A college degree brings many benefits—greater income, more career options, and financial security are tangible benefits. The intangible benefits are significant too—the sense of accomplishment and confidence that comes after earning that diploma. The hard work, discipline, and commitment learned while earning a degree can apply to all areas of one’s life.

Doesn’t a gift of college credit sound like a good one? Consider a SpeedyPrep subscription as a gift this year, with a 20% discount.

SpeedyPrep offers guaranteed preparation materials for 24 CLEP exam subjects. If a person completes a SpeedyPrep course but fails their CLEP, we will refund their subscription fees.

CLEP exams award college credit for general education courses required by colleges and universities. When compared to taking an on-campus, semester-long class, a successful CLEP exam saves thousands of dollars and months of time.

The average cost of a CLEP exam is $107 ($87 + testing center charges) That’s less than the average textbook would cost for a college course, much less the tuition for it! A CLEP exam is 90 minutes long. Compare that to hours in class, studying, writing papers and taking exams.

CLEP exams can be taken by anyone of any age. The results can be held for 20 years by the College Board to be sent to the school of your choice.

High school students, working adults, military service personnel, and ‘regular’ college students can all take advantage of CLEP for college credit.

Visit us at SpeedyPrep.com to open your subscription today. Please use the code: CLEP 2018 to take 20% off your purchase. This coupon is good until Jan. 1, 2019.

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