Author Archives: speedyprep

Tips For Adults Going Back to College

Adults face a lot of responsibilities on a day-to-day basis, whether they’re balancing complex finances, raising children, working long hours to make ends meet, and keeping relationships strong. With all of these responsibilities on the proverbial plate of life, going back to college can seem next to impossible. But for those busy adults who choose … Read More >

The Freshman’s Guide To Textbook Rentals

If you have been in college for more than 3 hours, you probably know just how terrifyingly expensive textbooks can be. In our parent’s generation, many students could save money on textbooks by getting used versions from previous student.  Today, however, textbook publishers have largely stopped this opportunity by constantly coming out with new editions … Read More >

7 Ways To Maximize Productivity In College

College is an exciting time filled with opportunity, but it also brings an almost overwhelming number of challenges to productivity. Making your own food, working with roommates, passing classes, and often working a part-time job result in plummeting productivity for many students. You can save yourself time and stress by applying these ideas to your … Read More >