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Can Students Earn College Credit at Home?


Can Students Earn College Credit at Home?

Many students are stuck at home right now. They are looking at their future and wondering how they can complete 3-6 classes this summer with the current situation. Challenging times can often be overlooked opportunities.

But what most students are probably not considering is attempting to test out of a class instead of attending a physical classroom!

An easy solution is testing out! Look at your class schedule and see which of the classes you were planning on taking. If there is a CLEP™, DSST™, ECE™, or UExcelz™ test offered for any of them why not take it? What do you have to lose? If you pass it could save you money and you will be ready when campuses open back up!

And when it’s time to learn CLEP test material, choose Speedyprep. With our 100 percent pass guarantee, you’ll soar through your test prep material with our simple study guides, educational materials, and practice tests. You’re guaranteed to pass; if our test prep program didn’t work, we wouldn’t be in business.

In light of the current situation, we are discounting all our online courses to help displaced students during this challenging time.

Last updated: 4/22/2020.